Infant Massage Tutorial: Part III

Part Two moves from the warm-up to the main massage techniques, step-by-step.

Part III:
Reflexology + Face


In Part I, you learned how to set the stage for your baby’s comfort as well as the warm up.

In Part II, you learned the main massage techniques.

Now, in Part III, you’ll learn a bit of reflexology and techniques to to drain congestion. Let’s do it!

Beginning the Face Massage

First, we want to say that if at any time baby gets cranky or doesn't love this, then you can just stop and start again the next day.

However, to keep moving with the massage:

I like to wrap up with the face massage, rather than start with it, since its preferable to get baby warmed up and used to your touch.

Start at the midline on the forehead with the thumb or any of the fingertips, moving all the way out, about 3-5 times.

Then sweep your fingers or hand down to the nose, and then move out to the side.

Next, move your fingers or hand all the way out through the cheeks, and when you come back to the top from the temples down to the jaw, keep moving down.

Always be thinking:

  • Midline Out

  • Top to Bottom


Reflexology and Congestion

A really great reflexology point is between the nose and the cheek. It works on adults too!

It's a really small point - depending on the size of the baby's face - but it's generally small on everyone. You can find it by finding a divot right beside your nose (see video at top of page).

This is a really great reflexology point if you are congested.

To massage this point, find it, and do little gentle circles on top. Then, pull it gently out to the side in gently little circles.

This will help drain congestion, and it's particularly good to do with babies.


This reflexology point is great for babies and adults!


Again, keep in mind that some babies absolutely just love massage, and some do not like it at all.

Some like it on some days, and some like it on others.

Be mindful that you're bonding with your baby, you’re stimulating and promoting healthy weight gain, and overall it should just be fun a good time!


Pregnancy Massage


Infant Massage Tutorial: Part II